Presenting the Art of

Ginger Donn Wildlife Art


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Contact Ginger Donn

Ginger Donn Wildlife Artwork samples

Ginger graduated from Emory University with a degree in biology. She then pursued further studies in zoology, orthinology and entomology. After retiring from a career at the Kennedy Space Center, Ginger finally has the time to devote to her lifelong love of wildlife and the natural world. She now spends her free moments photographing nature and painting wildlife using acrylics.

Ginger and her husband Jimmy share a Florida wilderness home with their beloved pets and a Blueridge Mountain cabin with a large variety of mammals, raptors and songbirds from whom she gathers limitless inspirations as subjects for her artwork.

It is for the loyal collectors of her work in the US, Canada and abroad that she has decided to create this website.


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Website by Winklebee
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